In a world that expects 100% from us at all times, it can feel like you are fighting against the norm to get some peace and feel good. It can be challenging to know if we feel tired, overworked, or something more sinister. Lack of motivation, stress, anxiety, sluggish digestion, or a general feeling of overwhelm can all be symptoms you need to take care of yourself.
Often when we are feeling a little bit stressed or under the weather, self-care and looking after ourselves take a little bit of a backseat. The problem is over time as this also builds up. If you are used to getting your hair and nails done, or simply playing games in the evening, and you stop doing that, you’re removing some of the things that help you destress.
Time for yourself is one of the things that can keep you function with a nice balance. When many things happen to us outside of our control, it can make it challenging to handle the things that we can control. So here are some things that you can do to take a natural approach to improve your perkiness.
Regular breaks
Likely, you are not taking enough breaks. People often take their children to school, head to work, get home, start cooking, do other chores, and bed. And while it might be tempting to say that going to bed is a rest or a break, it simply isn’t. Sleeping and resting are something that your body has to do.
So taking a break outside of that is essential. How and what the break looks like is entirely personal. There could be a break for you by taking a long walk in the woods; it could just as quickly be sitting down and watching your favorite shows for a few hours in the evening. Either way, there should be a clear break between the time you spend working and every time you spend taking care of everybody else. This is especially important if you are a freelancer or run a small business because it will mean that you are reliant on yourself to ensure that you have breaks set out during your day. In the middle of a big project or with a deadline looming, you are less likely to take those all-important breaks.
It probably isn’t very surprising to find out the music has many psychological benefits. We know that listening to music can significantly influence our mood, but it can also relax us. In 2013 some research showed that listening to lively songs with a quick beat can improve happiness and boost our moods. So next time you’re feeling down, find some of this music you like to listen to the most and crank it up. It has also been shown that classical music positively impacts how we retain information and allows us to get into the zone. If you’re looking to wind down comfortably, try some classical music.
If you want a big one for sharing your feelings, sometimes that can lead to bottling emotions up. We know that when we bottle our emotions, often things cannot feel overwhelming and begin to be too big to deal with personally. This makes it essential that you do have people to talk to. If you don’t have people within your family and friends that you feel you can share with, one of the critical things you can do is look for a therapist covering the area you need. Talking allows us to get things that have been on and mind upsetting us out into the open and can be one of the best things we can do.
Depending on what you are going through and if you are on any other medication, you might be able to take supplements that can help you feel a little perkier. When we talk about supplements, it covers a wide range of things, including:
- Amino Acids
- Enzymes
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Herbals
- Botanicals
And they come in many forms, too; you might find that you prefer to take a capsule or add a powder to your shake. Here are a few of the consumption options you have:
- hot/cold drinks
- Capsules
- Oils
- Tablets
- Food
- Creams, sprays, and lotions
Most of the time, when you start looking into supplements, you will look for ones that have specific properties like the top herbs for pain, the best supplements to help you get to sleep, or what you can add to your diet to reduce your anxiety.
If you don’t know where to start, there are a few supplements that most people will benefit from:
- Omega 3
- Probiotics
- Vitamin C & D
- Multivitamin
Often supplements are safe, but you should speak to your doctor if you are on any other medication so that you can avoid contraindications.
What better move can you make when your mind is full than to learn how to empty it. Or at least know how to differentiate between what is an issue and what isn’t. Mindfulness looks at how you can be in the here and now, and it takes practice to get it right. If you want to give mindfulness a go, here are some simple exercises that you can do daily to help you get better at it.
Wake up well
It can be challenging to get out of bed if you don’t feel like you have a purpose. So as part of making sure you get up and feel great, you need to work on your purpose. In the meantime, you can set yourself a task each morning that needs to be done. Make the task simple and achievable, so you get a sense of satisfaction early in the day too. If you find it hard to drift off to sleep, you are not alone. There are many people who see sleep as a tough nut to crack, especially if they are dealing with continuous pain, stress, depression, and so on. If you are finding it hard to fall asleep, you may want to take a look at the 25 Hour Farms THCa flower products, or something similar, as these can be highly beneficial. Always speak with a medical professional first to see if this could be a good course of action to take.
Eat mindfully
This isn’t about reducing portion size or control – it is more about the taste, textures, and savoring the nourishment, you are giving your body. It creates a richer eating experience and can make us more appreciative of our food. It’s not too tricky to get to grips with mindful eating; much of it derives from slowing our eating and taking a pause in between bites and chewing a little bit more slowly, and being aware of how your body reacts to each morsel.
One of the most significant issues most people have is eating more than their stomach can handle. This might sound kind of strange, but actually, when we put the whole plate of food in front of ourselves, our wish not to be rude by not finishing our plate takes over. And usually, as we’re having a conversation, it will be far more than we need to satiate our hunger. Mindful eating can also stop us from eating things that we just don’t like. Think about what you want to put in your body, and do you want to fill it with things you don’t enjoy eating? Most likely not.
Do good things
There is a certain enjoyment in doing things for others and expecting nothing in return. You might choose to volunteer and give up time, and people know that what you’re doing is a good deed. Or you might choose to do something under the radar, like trim your neighbor’s bushes if they are unable to do so. Add a shopping basket to your local food bank, or simply donate some cash. There are many ways to do good things, and you’re allowed to feel good about them too. When people have done good for others, they often describe the feeling as a warm fuzzy glow—knowing that you have exhibited prosocial behaviors.
Of course, one of the things you are looking for here is to do that thing without waiting for something in return. So, in this case, if you give to a local food bank, you don’t want to receive thanks from the family who feeds. You do it because you want to, and it makes you feel good. It’s probably not all that surprising to know that these prosocial behaviors and general generosity are linked to mental health benefits, including increased happiness.
Just be
In a world that is very forcefully telling you who you are, where you should eat, who you should hang out with, who is canceled, and what books you should read, there can be nothing more exquisite than just being yourself. In some cases, it can take bravery to go against what might be the societal norms. But in the end, having the ability to just be who you are, enjoy the things that you love, and care less about what other people think is going to serve you well. There’s also an alternative version of just being. Instead of having the pressures to take part in everything, be the first, be the best, and be at every event, simply take some time to put on those fluffy socks and just be where you are. Give yourself the time and space that you need to decompress, destress and feel great with minimum effort.
If you are looking for ways you can increase your wellbeing through eating, then check out: The Best Foods to Improve Your Overall Health – Kelly Lynn’s Sweets and Treats.
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