All the tastes of buffalo wings, but in the form of crockpot shredded chicken. This easy recipe requires only a few ingredients, all of which get tossed together in…
This healthy, crockpot, split pea soup is full of creamy pea flavor with carrots, celery and ham added for even more flavor. If you have 5 minutes and a…
Super simple, crockpot BBQ pulled pork. A dinner that makes itself! Pork shoulder, onion, seasonings, barbecue sauce, vinegar and liquid smoke are all the ingredients you need to make…
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts, jarred salsa, and spices are all you need for this easy crockpot meal. There are two cooking options in the recipe as well.…
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts, bell peppers, a jar of marinara sauce and some Italian seasonings are all you need to make this easy meal.…
Just five ingredients and 3-hours in the crockpot are all you need to make this easy Orange Chicken. Chicken breasts, orange marmalade, BBQ sauce (YES!!), teriyaki sauce and soy…