I am so happy the weather here in California has been nice the past few days. I took the dog for a walk when I could, and actually got out and ran the trail that is near my house. I haven’t ran in years (I have had two knee surgeries and have a cadaver ligament holding my knee together), but I have found running very freeing. I just like the sun on my face, some dope beats in my ears and my feet hitting the pavement. And thanks to my hubby for buying me some actual running shoes! So I run a few miles on my off days from the gym. Hopefully I don’t end up on an episode of Dateline NBC because I get abducted. But if someone abducted me, I am pretty sure they would give me back right away 😉 And speaking of Dateline…they are here in Modesto filming for an upcoming episode. I am trying to restrain myself from just happening upon where they are filming at. Keith Morrison are you there??? #obsessedwithdateline
One of my friends from work, Gloria, bought a new house a few months back and asked me if I would help her decorate the nursery for Baby M. Gloria likes how I decorated my house, and I love being creative and interior design is so fun, so I was totally down for the project! Gloria was so happy with how the nursery turned out, she asked if I would also decorate the entry way and their huge living room. Yes!!! Gloria gave me a budget and free reign to pick out whatever I wanted. I would send her options, but she loved all of my first picks! So one day while Gloria and her hubby were at work, James and I came over and decorated their house! They loved it. And sorry Nate, for going over budget!
Here’s the entry way. The top left picture is the “before” and the other three pictures are the “after.”
And the living room!
I was busy working on that interior design project, and was too busy to bake anything for a few days. I know…the horror, right?! Well yeah…apparently! I had my meeting with my captain and HR at work, to talk about integrating back into work. Before my meeting I stopped by the patrol building and talked to two of my favorite lieutenants, who immediately asked, “Kelly! Where are the cookies?!” Whoops. I didn’t make anything…then when I went to my meeting with my captain and HR, my captain asked me the same thing! Total fail on my part! But I made up for it later (Oatmeal Raisin Cookies coming to the blog soon!).
My meeting at work went well! I am all geared up to come back to work after this NEXT doctors appointment next week. Part time…but I will take what Dr. Knight will give me! What I will do at work is still a mystery. There was talk about me being able to work with detectives in the investigations unit (hoping, praying, hoping, praying, fingers crossed), work in our Real Time Crime Center (serious technology there!) or maybe helping with background investigations. I’ll keep y’all posted. But then last night, I was thinking maybe they would just let me go back to patrol part time? This girl misses what she does best 🙂
James had a birthday last week! We celebrated with lunch at our favorite Mexican food place right by my house. My mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, Miss A, Miss G, me, James and Ethan all celebrated together!
I made Mini Caramel Apple Cheesecakes for James’ birthday dessert and everyone LOOOOVED them….especially Miss A 😉
My mini cheesecakes are baked, but super easy to make! I promise! I made the cheesecakes in a cupcake tin and it was perfect…easy to serve and eat. Check out the recipe HERE and make these for your next party!
This last week was National Eating Disorder Awareness week…but it also was the one year mark that I started my journey to recovery. Yeah…it has taken me awhile, but I was pretty broken. And being one way for so many years, it takes awhile to get on a different track. But I am happy with my progress. I have energy, my mood is better, I am stronger and everything just continues to get better with recovery. That’s why recovery from an eating disorder is important. If you think someone is struggling with an eating disorder, please talk to them and get them help. I struggled with anorexia for six years before getting to where I am today, and that’s six years of habits I had to break. I still struggle with my eating disorder, and even though physically I have gained 30-pounds over the last year, I still have a ways to go mentally and physically. I just need to recognize that people love me for who I am. The good cop that I am, who is always fair and respectful. For the baker I am and all the goodies I make in my kitchen. For the person I am and my kind heart. Not that damn number on the scale. It’s all about a healthy lifestyle and moderation. I am still working on food fears, but I will probably forever struggle with that. But things are looking good! I am just excited about getting back to life.
Me today! In all my silliness….but more importantly: healthier and happier.
FEELING: Anxious…I always feel anxious before my doctors appointments. I just want to go back to work, so I am hoping I hear what I want to hear from Dr. Knight. Fingers crossed! Also feeling pressure to get out of my normal meal plan and experiment with different foods. My biggest struggle. Ugh. I still have my IHOP challenge to do.
WANTING: A new pair of regular gym shoes. I am so damn particular and I can’t find anything that I like. And James hates my Addidas shoes I wear all the time. It has been a year since I have bought new gym shoes….kinda crazy since I am always at the gym. The last shoes I bought were Nike Metcons. Anyone have any shoe suggestions for me? Looks and comfort are mostly everything, but I need to be able to wear them in my gym classes where we do jump squats, jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, weights and of course for dancing in Muvz class. Leave me a comment below and tell me what shoes I need to check out!
WATCHING: Nothing I am really into right now. I have caught up on everything I had been watching…including Stranger Things. Which was strange. But I liked it. Time to rent a good chick flick or something totally sappy. I am just in that mood. Suggestions??
CRAVING: Still craving some outrageous death by chocolate cookies that I think I have finally figured out a recipe for. I am thinking I might throw some Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in the cookies too. Because….why not?! Plus I still might have a bunch of leftover Valentine’s Day candy I need to use up hehehe. Also craving frozen yogurt from Yogurt Mill. Snack challenge. Maybe.
BAKING: I made my family’s Almond Roca recipe the other day and I will be sharing it on the blog soon. It is a family favorite, so I am super excited to share it with you guys! I am thinking about making some brownies for a friend of ours that just had surgery (because brownies make everything better) and instead of a lemon bar, I was thinking of making orange bars. I need to utilize those gorgeous oranges on my orange tree before they go bad! I also bought Girl Scout cookies so I might try to make a few desserts out of the cookies. How fun is that?! Any suggestions or any recipes you guys want to see on the blog? I know I have been slacking on my healthy dinner recipe posts. Sorry!
Top recipe on the blog right now is…….TWO INGREDIENT PEANUT BUTTER CANDY! No surprise there really. Sooooo easy and sooooo good! Click HERE for the recipe, in case you missed it!
Moving on!!
Have you met Mookie? My Great Dane??? Yes I have a Great Dane and a Yorkie. I actually had a Great Dane growing up, who looked exactly like my Mookie, who was also named Mookie. My dad loved his Mookie, so a few years back I found a Great Dane that looked exactly like the old Mookie, and I brought him home. Wow…that was confusing. And my Mookie is actually like the fourth dog in our family that we have named Mookie hahahahaha. So my Big Mook is such a funny dog. He about eats me out of house and home, but he cracks me up with how crazy he is. He is a total sweet heart too, so don’t let this picture fool you into thinking he is mean. That’s just him gearing up to take off at full speed 😉 He was sitting next to me for a whole split second.
I hope you have a great weekend!! What are you up to this weekend? Anything fun?? I don’t really have anything going on this weekend….so baking it will be! So if you leave me a comment, telling me what you want me to make next, it might just happen! And if you live nearby, you can be a taste tester too!
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