Oh-Emm-I-C-K-E-Y-gee….Disney on Ice was AMAZING!! I had only seen the Disney on Ice show once before, back when I was a little, little kid, so I don’t really remember it. So when Wendy invited me to go with her, to take Miss A and Miss G to go to the show, I was beyond excited! Mostly because I just like spending time with my three favorite girls! But I was seriously blown away by the show. It was so awesome!! If you have kids, and the show is playing near you, you definitely need to go. The performers are amazingly talented ice skaters, as well as performers. The tickets were only about $30 each and the show lasted almost two hours!! I think that’s a good deal. What isn’t a good deal is the food, drinks, stuffed animals and other memorabilia they sell there…but good luck avoiding that. Miss A and Miss G made out with these crazy, LED light flashing snowflake wands (at $30 each). Surprisingly, we all still have our eyes, because Miss A was swinging that wand all around in the air without much regard for us. But Miss A is so darn cute….so whatever. Hehehe.
These pictures were taken in the beginning of the show…when someone wasn’t as wiggly 😉
The show was split up into separate segments, which included Toy Story, Cars, The Little Mermaid and of course…Frozen! My favorite was Toy Story though! It was so amazing! I loved the army men too.
We had such a fun time watching the Disney on Ice show and Miss G (who is ALLLLLLL about Elsa) just loved the show. Miss G was the perfect age (3-1/2 years old), to enjoy the show, was entertained the whole time and stayed in her seat (despite the chaos of Miss A going on next to her hehehe)! Auntie KK was impressed!
I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day! I had a fun time celebrating with my boys! I am the go-to dessert maker for the Davis family and Jeremy asked me to make a Banana Cream Pie for his wife Brandy, for Valentine’s Day (recipe coming soon!). The Banana Cream Pie turned out yummy! I can’t wait to share it with you. And yes there is a border of heart shaped banana slices on the pie 🙂
And while I am always baking for everyone else, the Davis kids were sweet enough to bake ME some cupcakes and even drew me the sweetest heart valentine! Jeremy gave me the cupcakes and valentine when I gave him the pie and a package of THESE. I taped the valentine on my fridge of course 🙂 I had James take this picture so I could text it to Jeremy, to thank his kids and Brandy for the sweet surprise! And I just noticed that I am always wearing that same pink Under Armour top. I swear it really is just a coincidence that I am always wearing that same shirt in all my pictures. I have like ten different Under Armour sweatshirts and long sleeve shirts, so go figure, I am always wearing that one in all the pictures here.
Now that Valentine’s Day is over, the stores are already jammed pack with Easter candy and decorations. I think Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays— because of all the candy duh! What’s your favorite Easter candy? My favorites: #1: Pastel Brach’s (has to be Brach’s) Candy Corn, #2: Whoppers Robin Eggs and #3: Cadbury Mini Eggs. And Peeps. Always Peeps! Someone please keep me away from the Easter candy!
I have been trying to incorporate snacks into my day. Intentions are everything….I bought these, but they are still in my pantry:
And I made some super crunchy baked kale chips that were super yummy (recipe coming soon)! I seasoned my chips with garlic (to keep the vampires away) and cayenne. Yum.
FEELING: Excited!! Wendy is going back to Boston for work next month and guess who is tagging along?!?! Meeeee! Girls trip! I am so excited! I love spending time with Wendy and I have never been to Boston before. Wendy will be working of course, so I will be out exploring on my own during the day! I already have scouted a few historical places I want to check out. So stay tuned for that…I will be covering my trip and EVERYTHING I EAT THERE. Cannolis please! And if I have any Boston readers out there, let me know where I need to go and where I need to eat! Comment at the end of the post!
WANTING: The wind to go away with all of these crazy storms. I spent the majority of the day in the dark because the power was out. I seriously thought about taking a nap. But that felt lazy. So then I was going to clean the house and vacuum. But that would require electricity. Yeahhhh. So blogging by connecting to my hotspot it was!
WATCHING: I still have not gone past episode two of Stranger Things…I get all caught up in my other shows. I am a HUGE Dateline NBC fanatic…oh and fun fact: did you know that you can now get Keith Morrisons’ voice on the Waze App, for all your navigation purposes?? #DontDriveAlone 😉 so awesome. I started watching APB (It’s okay…I struggle with cop shows because they are so unrealistic) and 24 Legacy (same feelings as APB). Some of my other favorite shows that I watch are Super Store (!!!!), The Goldbergs, This Is Us and American Housewife. I swear I do more than watch TV. It’s just in the background while I do other stuff.
CRAVING: Death by chocolate cookies, with ooey-gooey chocolate chips. I need to work on a recipe….It will be rough taste testing, but I will do it for you! And pizza…but I don’t really like pizza and I can’t tolerate dairy. Odd. I feel like I need a food challenge though. Going to Chicken Barn is my biggest food challenge that still awaits me. Someday James, someday. I was trying to talk my friend A into doing an IHOP breakfast challenge with me, but I’m still working on getting her to do it. If you are new here and haven’t read the last Random Ramblings post, then you are probably confused by these food challenges. Being eating disordered, those foods all scare the crap out of me, hence the food challenges to help get me out of that disordered thinking.
BAKING: No Bake Nutella Cookies. I added espresso powder but it was too faint for me to be able to call them No Bake Mocha Cookies…but they were still amazing! Peanut Butter Candy that will blow your mind, another batch of THESE cookies and some crazy Frosted Flakes cereal treat bars that did not have any marshallows in them, but had pink vanilla baking chips mixed in. I almost threw the cereal treat bars out because they were SO sugary, but strangely addicting to eat, so I decided to keep them. And because they were pink, it was like you could taste there was strawberry flavoring in them (but there wasn’t). I gave them to my sister because I figured the girls would love them and I gave the rest to James and Ethan. Ethan quickly declared the cereal bars his #1 favorite thing I have ever made. I am dying right now…maybe I’ll try again and tweak the recipe a little so that it is blogworthy. And if you missed THIS recipe…check it out. My hubby’s new #1 favorite thing I have ever made!
Now for my disappointing news.
I had my latest doctor appointment with my eating disorder doctor this week, and after Dr. Knight talked to my new dietician, Sandi, they both expressed concern over the continued eating disorder behaviors I exhibit. I did not lose any weight though! Dr. Knight said I was actually the same exact weight, down to the ounce, as I was last visit. But there was concern from my team about me going back to work part time just yet. Still a lot to do and work on. And I had a therapist I was seeing in Modesto every week as part of my treatment, but it wasn’t really doing much for me, so I stopped going a few months ago. So Dr. Knight gave me the information of a eating disorder specialist in the Bay Area that she would like me to see before she will let me go back to work part time. Bummer. But at least I didn’t lose any weight and I am continuing to fight the fight. I have an “interactive” meeting at work this week with my captain and HR. And no. I have no idea what that means. But for now my projection back to work part time will be the beginning of March after my next doctor appointment.
So stay tuned to find out what happens! Sign up for my free email subscription so you don’t miss a thing! And feel free to share this post on Facebook…I know that for me, I found hope in hearing about others with eating disorders, that were determined for recovery. Motivation and inspiration…partners in recovery #ERClife 🙂
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Thanks for reading all of my randomness! I LOVE getting comments, so feel free to drop me a line below (by clicking on the little bubble) before you go! I’ll be back Monday with a super SPECIAL recipe you won’t want to miss!!!
I have linked this recipe to the following link party: Meal Plan Monday, What’s Cookin’ Wednesday, The Life of Jennifer Dawn.
Gwyn Day
February 18, 2017 at 2:00 PMSounds like you have had a fun packed couple of weeks! We went to Disney in Ice with our grands and saw the same show! It was so much fun!!!
You keep fighting the fight regarding your eating disorder! I had no idea! You are beautiful in your pictures even if it is the same pink top! Take care!!!
February 19, 2017 at 7:20 AMHi Gwyn!! Thank you! That’s awesome you got to take your kids to Disney on Ice too! So much fun!! Thanks for reading and leaving me the sweet comment! XOXO 🙂
February 20, 2017 at 7:49 PMYou’ve got this!! You will be back soon!! Xoxoxo!! Stay strong, lovely lady!! ☺
February 21, 2017 at 6:58 AMThanks darling!! You’re the sweetest! XOXO 🙂
April 21, 2017 at 11:52 AMMy friends and I ADORE your random ramblings1!! we.want.more. (FEELING: Anxious!) Keep it up girl!
Tatum, Kellie, Emily and Blaine
April 21, 2017 at 1:57 PMAwww thank you so much! Messages like this mean the most to me! It’s hard to put myself out there like I do, but it has been a good thing! I am thinking about writing a post about a typical day when I was in treatment and then a typical day for me now recovering….make sure you sign up for my emails, so you don’t miss it 🙂 XOXOXOXO