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An Easy-to-Make, Healthy Dish for While You’re Stuck at Home

Living with restrictions from a global pandemic is tough, but it provides an opportunity to help us take our health more seriously. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all into a more health-conscious state. People are following social distancing guidelines and being advised to cultivate healthier habits so they can maintain both physical well-being as well as mental stability during this difficult period.

In this article, we will provide you with some of our favorite healthy dishes to make at home, when stuck indoors. We’ll also dispel the myth that eating healthy has to be expensive. Some staples that will make any meal you make a healthy one include servings of greens – remember, the deeper the green, the better! Organic and fresh ingredients are always important factors of a healthy meal that you can make at home too.

Read below to learn one of our favorite healthy recipes that you can make at home.

The oven-cooked salmon recipe you didn’t know you needed in your life:


  • 1/2 of a lemon
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 salmon fillets
  • 2 apples
  • 10 small potatoes
  • 5 tbsps of olive oil (high-quality, pure extra virgin is our go-to)
  • Fresh dill or fennel (optional)
  • Mixed fresh veggies

Here’s how to make this delicious dish, from sea to your plate:

  1. In a bowl, mix together garlic, juices from half of a lemon, salt, and pepper.
  2. With a sharp knife, score the inside of the salmon flesh in a criss-cross fashion but without cutting into the skin.
  3. Rub the juice mixture onto the flesh side of the wild salmon fillets and sprinkle with chopped dill or fennel if desired.
  4. Wrap each salmon fillet with an apple slice through both ends to hold it together during cooking – you can use as many apples as needed for this purpose depending on how large your fish is!
  5. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius) for 20 minutes or until fillets are opaque throughout when tested with a fork.

Tip: Wrap your salmon fillets in tin foil to get a steamed quality from cooking it in the oven!  When your salmon is cooked, slide a knife between the skin and flesh to ensure that it will all come apart easily.

If you prefer baked potato or sweet potatoes, these are also great alternative carb sources.  Put them in the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 40 minutes and you’ll be good to go. Not only will your home fries be healthier than buying them at a restaurant (and more delicious), but they’ll also fill you up and stay with you for hours afterward.

Serve fillets of wild salmon on warmed plates with roasted potatoes tossed in butter and fresh steamed vegetables.

Benefits of Wild Salmon

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), wild salmon is an incredibly healthy source of protein, packed with omega-3 fatty acids (more than five grams in six ounces of cooked fish), which can lower levels of triglycerides in our blood and reduce the risk of life-threatening heart conditions. Arthritis patients may find relief from anti-inflammatory properties found in omega-3s, while pregnant women can expect to pass on these benefits to their children through breast milk.

Seafood can be a delicious and nutritious addition to your diet. Not only does it have the essential nutrients for developing children, but seafood also provides many health benefits including protection against heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and obesity. But when stuck at home, these dishes are sure to satisfy any hunger pangs without inconveniently putting you back in front of the computer screen again hours later.

But, you may find yourself asking this question:  Which fish should I buy?

It’s important to remember that buying fresh fish can prove to be a challenge today, but it can make all the difference!  A lot of us are reacting by buying fresh ingredients and preparing healthy dishes for ourselves, but buying fresh fish can be expensive during this pandemic unless you know how to get it in a cost-effective way.  The wild salmon that was once available in the supermarkets has dried up because of COVID-19, which has driven up prices. However, there is a way to ensure that you never run out of fresh wild salmon again. 

You can buy it online through this provider who delivers directly from the fishing boats so you always get super fresh wild salmon delivery right to your door and whenever you want it! And buying wild doesn’t have to break the bank if done the right way! From sourcing to packaging and delivery, they provide the highest standards of care for you as well as other consumers with sustainability in mind.  Check out how you can buy fresh fish every time with one click on this guide to buying fresh fish.

The seafood experts at Wild Alaskan Company are on the scene to provide you with sustainable, wild-caught offerings. They’ve perfected unique recipes and curated a selection that will make every meal feel like an adventure in taste buds paradise!

View the exact ingredients of these wild salmon recipes for cooking Quick and Easy Fisherman Style salmon on Easy Fisherman-Style Salmon Recipe.

With a little know-how, you can master cooking seafood at home!  We hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful for making healthy recipes from home.  Thanks for reading and enjoy cooking your next meal with us.

Looking for new ways to make healthy recipes from home? Get yourself an air fryer and whip up this air-fried sausage dinner that your family is sure to love.

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